Girl Scouts and Girl Scout Leaders, Dawn has been a Girl Scout for many years and also a Girl Scout leader herself. She loves working with young girls, inspiring them to become whatever they want to be. Through her workshops the girls can earn a variety of badges, including a “Build Your Own” for the Ambassadors and Adults.

Travel to your troop meeting location is typically restricted to the Tidewater, Virginia (Colonial Coast Council) region, but anything is possible through Zoom and other venues. It never hurts to ask.



Time: 1 hour
Location: Troop Meeting
Price: $14 per girl
Girls bring: Their imaginations

We’ll create a story together and make our own book to take home.


Time: 1.5-2 hours Location: Troop Meeting
Price: $17 per girl
Girls bring: Picture of a family member for craft

Imagination begins at home. We’ll start by exploring family stories, making a story tree, and creating something memorable to take home.


Time: 2 hours Location: Troop Meeting
Price: $20 per girl

Where do ideas come from? Is outlining necessary to write a story? Why is writing important? What careers are available for writers? How do you overcome writers’ block? Learn how to create a story board and build your own Wheel of Ideas to take home.


Time: 2 hours
Location: Troop Meeting
Price: $28 per girl

Publishing a book takes a lot more than just the story. The cover design must capture your attention. The words on the back cover must intrigue you enough to open the book. The formatting must look professional. Discuss how printing has progressed over the years. Make your own book to take home. There is even an option to tour a printing company in Williamsburg, VA.


Time: 2 hours
Location: Troop Meeting
Price: $28 per girl

Explore the art of creating characters with a solid backstory, developing plots that keep the readers engaged, and editing your work…before sending to an editor. Novelist Dawn Brotherton will share her tricks of the trade and answer questions to encourage girls to write.


Time: 2.5 hours
Location: Troop Meeting
Price: $30 per girl and adult other than 1 leader

Start with the Novelist badge above. Add this “Build Your Own” badge that will cover the Road to Publishing, outlining the steps that follow a finished manuscript. Learn how to write a query letter to attract an agent or publisher. Explore the opportunity to self publish. Discuss marketing and social media outlets. Brainstorm marketing techniques.

Learn from someone that has been there! Bring your questions.

• Prices quoted for up to 60 mile travel from Williamsburg, VA. Additional fee may apply for further travel.

• Minimum of 10 girl attendance (Ask for pricing on groups less than 10 girls)

• Troops may combine for workshops.

• Prices listed good through Dec 2024.

If you would like more information, drop Dawn an email.